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Hydraulic Engineering
by Gardner D. Hiscox M.E.
ISBN:340 pages   5.5x8.5 inches [size]

Everything to do with water throughout the hydrosphere of the planet! If you have a river or a stream or a lake or live near the ocean and you want to try to capture water power from it, then this book tells you how to measure, direct, funnel and flow your water. It covers the mathematics in detail and it backs up the math with illustrations.


Hydraulic Engineering

This book begins with a brief technical sketch of the development of hydraulic engineering from the earliest times. It goes on to present a systematic and progressive statement of the mechanics of water (and fluids in general), including hydrostatics or the equilibrium of fluids, hydrodynamics which treats of the laws of liquids in motion, and hydraulics in which the motion of water in pipes and canals is considered. Hydraulic Engineering makes every detail perfectly clear and Supplies the necessary formulas in their simplest expression, which are further explained by figured examples.

Hydraulic Engineering will connect you with all the information that you could need to improve your property by installing a domestic water-supply. With this book you will know which machinery is suitable for maintaining household water needs and for fire protection, and be able to select and install a water-power energy source that will match your needs. The various water-wheels for the utilization of water-power are illustrated and described, with rules for calculating the horse-power for given conditions. Impact water-wheels are illustrated together with a description of the methods employed for determining the power of a jet, and formulas for determining its dynamic force. A table giving the power of small motors is added. Turbine water-wheels are described with illustra­tions of high-powered wheels at Niagara Falls. Centrifugal, Rotary, and Screw pumps are explained so that the anyone can easily understand their operation, and for­mulas are given for measuring the work which may be expected of Centrifugal pumps. Several varieties of Reciprocating pumps are illustrated, and accompanied by formulas for horse-power required for raising a given quantity of water to any given height.

This book also includes sections on the construction and operation of hydraulic machines; the mechanics of water and of fluids in general; and the general design as well as the minor details of accumulators, pumps, presses, and machine tools are clearly illustrated and described. Hydraulic Engineering also contains an easily comprehended explanation of the mathematical theory of the motion of fluids with the motion of water in pipes and canals, and the practical application of fluid pressures in combination with suit­able trains of mechanism adapted to any given problem.

To the engineer this book will be a ready reference in the con­struction of dams and storage reservoirs for irrigation, city and domestic water-supply, or for driving water-wheels for manufacturing purposes. Illustrations are given showing the construction of the simpler form of log and timber dams, followed by illustrated descrip­tions of the more permanent ones of masonry and concrete. The illustrations are accompanied by the formulas for stability, completely worked out. The flow of water in pipes for water-supply, the friction and slope elements of canals, ditches, and pipe-lines, for irrigation supply and its distribution, of growing importance to agricultural industry, is also presented in a way that is easily understood.

In Hydraulic Engineering The air-lift method of raising water has been given an entire chapter for its complete presentation; especial prominence is given to the Pohle Air-Lift, which is fully described, including single and multi­stage applications with illustrations showing the arrangement of air- and water-pipes; with rules for calculating the volume of air required for raising water also given.

Concluding with a sec­tional elevation of the Allis Pumping Engine and a synopsis of duty trial of the St. Louis Triple Expansion Pumping Engine, which yielded the remarkable duty of more than 181 million foot-pounds, Hydraulic Engineering contains a number of tables, some thirty-six in all, including: the properties of water, coefficients for hydraulic grades, discharge of water from orifices and nozzles, pressure lost by friction in fire hose, velocity discharge and horse­power of nozzles, flow of water over weirs, loss of head by friction of water in pipes etc


A small water-meter records a continuous run by dial or counter, and by an attachment of a chart recorder the mean volume of flow may be measured for any length of time. The Thomson water-meter is shown in Figure 81. The displacing or measuring member consists of a flat disk, having a ball-and-socket bearing, and is adapted to oscillate in a chamber, comprised of two sections joined together, in which each of the inside faces approximates the frustum of a cone, the exterior confining wall assuming the form of a circular zone. The disk has a single slot projecting radially from the ball, which embraces a fixed metallic diaphragm, set within and crosswise of one side of the chamber, the disk being thus prevented from rotating; but when it is caused to oscillate in contact with the cone frustums, the chamber, by these means, is divided into sub-compartments or measuring spaces. 


The siphon water ram is a novelty of French origin, showing possibilities in this class of water-raising devices that can be located at a dam or wherever a barrage of a few feet can be made in a small stream. A general view and details of its action are shown in Fig. 102. The section and enlarged cut of the ram is shown at the right, in which B is a chamber in the apex of a siphon. C, a flap valve on an arm and spindle extending to outside of chamber and held open by the lever and weight, L, with its movement adjusted by the springs above and below the lever. D, discharge valve. G, a chamber with elastic heads or diaphragms of thin corrugated metal, for an air-chamber and to prevent hammer. K, plug for filling the siphon with water or by the suction of an air-pump. The height of ram may be made convenient up to 14 feet above the barrage with a water fall of 6 feet or more and is claimed to deliver one-third of water passing the siphon at its own height and in proportion for higher or long delivery. 


Figure 152 illustrates a method of reinforcing a deficient well in a sandy or gravelly soil. Where a well bottom rests on rock, drilling to greater depth is probably the only recourse. In ordinary situations a well may be deepened by driving a cylinder made of galvanized sheet iron with its sides punched by a thin chisel, as shown at the left in the cut. This can be pushed down in the centre of the well and the sand bored out with the sand augur shown at the second figure in the cut. The sand augur of 3 inches in diameter and the strainer of 6–inch diameter are sufficient for ordinary needs. 


Figure 271 illustrates a vertical section of a compound pumping engine of the walking-beam and fly-wheel type. The low-pressure cylinder is placed on the top of the wrought-iron framework, and directly central over the high-pressure cylinder, which is on a level with the engine-room floor, the pistons of the two cylinders being connected by two piston-rods. The rod for operating the bucket and plunger-pump is fastened to the high-pressure piston and extencs through a stuffing-box in the bottom head to the bucket and plunger-pump placed in the pump-pit. By this means all the steam-cylinders are coupled solidly to the pump plunger. Both steam-cylinders are steam-jacketed and furnished with a device for regulating the point of cut-off and speed of the engine. The following are the principal items of interest from a test trial: Duration of trial, 48 hours; steam pressure in engine room, 74.81 pounds; vacuum by gauge, 26.25 inches; water-pressure gauge, 62.02 pounds; total head, including suction lift, 67.29 pounds; revolutions of engine per minute, 25.51; piston speed per minute, 255.10 feet; coal consumed, 32,395 pounds; duty in foot-pounds per 100 pounds of coal consumed, 104,820,431. The test was made under the ordinary every-day conditions, and the actual weight of coal consumed was charged up without deductions of any kind. This engine raised 12,000,000 gallons 150 feet high in 24 hours. 



Hydraulic Engineering
by Gardner D. Hiscox M.E.
ISBN:340 pages   5.5x8.5 inches [size]
